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Minh-Tri Dang
(pronounced "min-jee")

If I could have a superpower, it would be the ability to fully communicate with anyone and everyone.  I think this is the ultimate goal for any creative; to divulge an idea or feeling and the desire to be understood back by a community.  To me, the visual arts are the pinnacle of communication and the study of design is about engineering communication.  How does something make me feel? Why do I feel this way?  What is it doing to make feel this way?  These are all questions, consciously or not, that I ask myself when working or critiquing. 


I was born and raised in Indiana; my parents were war refugees from Vietnam.  Since my dad was an electrical engineer, technology has always played a big part in my life.  As my interest diversified, I developed a taste for the fine arts in high school.  Design is the bridge between all of my various interests and in my work, I hope to bring my love of history, culture, and technology with a flare for the dramatic and introspection.  



  • Tutored k-12

  • Waiter/cook - Pepperwhistle Café and Bakery

  • Tire Technician - Discount Tire

  • Academic Excellence Scholarship                                                                 

  • Designer/Videographer/Video Editor - IUPUI Multimedia Production Center 

Extracurricular Activities

  • IUPUI Asian Student Union                                                                            

  • Asian Heritage Celebration Dinner Committee PR Manager                        

Additional Skills

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite

  • Proficient in Adobe CC Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere, etc.)

  • Proficient in both Mac and Window’s platforms

  • Python/Java/HTML coding

  • Speaks conversational Japanese


2016    Western High School

            High School Diploma: General Education-Honor Program  

2021    IUPUI Herron School of Art and Design       

            Major: Visual Communication and Design

            Minor: Film Studies








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