Minh-Tri Dang
(pronounced "min-jee")

If I could have a superpower, it would be the ability to fully communicate with anyone and everyone. I think this is the ultimate goal for any creative; to divulge an idea or feeling and the desire to be understood back by a community. To me, the visual arts are the pinnacle of communication and the study of design is about engineering communication. How does something make me feel? Why do I feel this way? What is it doing to make feel this way? These are all questions, consciously or not, that I ask myself when working or critiquing.
I was born and raised in Indiana; my parents were war refugees from Vietnam. Since my dad was an electrical engineer, technology has always played a big part in my life. As my interest diversified, I developed a taste for the fine arts in high school. Design is the bridge between all of my various interests and in my work, I hope to bring my love of history, culture, and technology with a flare for the dramatic and introspection.
Tutored k-12
Waiter/cook - Pepperwhistle Café and Bakery
Tire Technician - Discount Tire
Academic Excellence Scholarship
Designer/Videographer/Video Editor - IUPUI Multimedia Production Center
Extracurricular Activities
IUPUI Asian Student Union
Asian Heritage Celebration Dinner Committee PR Manager
Additional Skills
Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite
Proficient in Adobe CC Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere, etc.)
Proficient in both Mac and Window’s platforms
Python/Java/HTML coding
Speaks conversational Japanese
2016 Western High School
High School Diploma: General Education-Honor Program
2021 IUPUI Herron School of Art and Design
Major: Visual Communication and Design
Minor: Film Studies